Club Flyers
Along with the affordability and flexibility that make business flyers a proven marketing tool, our club flyers give you specific features to zero in on your unique demographic. Attention-grabbing full-color club flyers are a popular way to promote drink specials at night clubs and bars, entertainment at coffee shops, and upcoming band gigs. Our sturdy 14-pt. cardstock with a variety of coatings will give your club flyers a high-quality feel and make sure the images pop. They will hold up well if you want to get double-duty and use your flyers as tickets or coupons for your event.
Flyers Get High Ratings from Consumers
According to Small Business Trends, 85 percent of consumers prefer to shop with a business if it has custom-printed materials such as flyers, business cards, signs, and banners. Furthermore, about half of the consumers and business owners surveyed preferred the tangible characteristics of printed material.
These facts bear out what four out of five business owners claim – that professionally printed material help them stand out from the competition.* Flyers are also popular with businesses because they are affordable and highly flexible. Hand them out at the cash register or at trade shows. Mail them to customers and prospects. Display them on a counter, table, or literature rack.
We offer a wide variety of sizes, paper, and folds for customized flyers that will help your business soar.
*Online survey conducted in 2018 by researcher PSB for FedEx Office, which included 800 participants representing general population consumers, as well as small business owners.
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